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This is a highly curated list of resources to support public health change agents advancing population health and equity.  Many more tools to take action can be found in the population health and equity resource databases below.


This strategy portfolio is about addressing root causes of structural and systemic inequities which lead to unequal health and life outcomes.  Root causes include, as examples, racism, classism, ableism, gender inequities, and place-based inequities resulting from residential segregation and urban-rural gaps.  These can be addressed through growing community power and shared leadership in policy, narrative, investment and systemic change.

Understanding and Shifting the Narrative about Structural Inequities

Countering the Production of Health Inequities

By: Prevention Institute

Description: A systematic look at how exclusionary policies and systems produce health inequities in different neighborhoods by sector from the Prevention Institute

The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We can Prosper Together

By: Heather McGhee

Description: A conversation with author of “The Sum of Us” about shifting the narrative of the journey of equity from a zero sum game to one of shared prosperity

Roots of Health Inequity Course 

By: National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)

Description: The Roots of Health Inequity is a free, online learning collaborative for current and future public health professionals. The goal of this course is to address a need expressed by public health practitioners to better tackle the root causes of health inequities. This revised course series equips participants with tools necessary to understand, identify and more directly act on the root causes of health inequity to implement equitable public health initiatives. Participants can explore the social processes that create health inequities, strategize effective ways to act on root causes, and engage with colleagues and partners working to end health inequity. Register for the course to start your journey today.

Policy Strategies to Address Root Causes

Racial Healing

By; Trust for America’s Health

Description: Issue brief about policy opportunities to address racism

Healing Through Policy: Creating Pathways to Racial Justice

By: American Public Health Association, deBeaumont, National Collaborative for Health Equity

Description: Curated policies and practices that can be implemented at the local level to promote racial healing and advance racial equity

Healthy Places Policy Index

By: Healthy Places Index, Public Health Institute

Description: Policies to build equitable and healthy places

Policies to address systemic racism

By: Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

Investments to Advance Health Equity

Community Health and Economic Prosperity

By: Office of the Surgeon General

Description: Intended as a resource to foster public health and business collaboration, this report includes great resources to make the business case for health equity and racial justice

Healthy Neighborhood Investments: A Policy Scan and Strategy Map

By: Build Healthy Places Network, Public Health Institute

Description: Policy and investment strategies to build thriving, equitable communities

Equitable Development

By: PolicyLink

Description: 27 tools to reverse patterns of segregation and disinvestment, prevent displacement, and promote equitable revitalization.

Equitable Economies Policy Database

By: Well Being In the Nation (WIN) Network

Description: 135+ policies to advance an equitable economy

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