This is a highly curated list of resources to support public health change agents advancing population health and equity. Many more tools to take action can be found in the population health and equity resource databases below.
Equity and Racial Justice
Levels of Racism: A Theoretical Framework and a Gardener’s Tale
By: Dr. Camara Jones, American Journal of Public Health
Description: A framework and allegory for different levels of racism
By: David Williams, TED
Description: How everyday racism and structural inequities add up to poor health and life outcomes
The Impact of Racism on the Health and Well-being of the Nation Webinar Series
By: American Public Health Association
Description: A series of webinars on racism and its impact on health and well-being designed for public health practitioners
Advancing Racial Equity Webinar Series and Discussion Guide
By: American Public Health Association
Description: A series of webinars and discussion guides to facilitate conversations about racism and racial health equity for public health and community practitioners
Countering the Production of Health Inequities
By: Prevention Institute
Description: A systematic look at how exclusionary policies and systems produce health inequities in different neighborhoods by sector from the Prevention Institute
Improving Health Equity through Rural Economic Development
By: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps
Description: Webinar describing the link between rural educational and economic development and health outcomes in Klamath County, Oregon
Resource Library for Advancing Health Equity in Public Health
By: Minnesota Department of Health
Description: Tools for public health departments taking action to advance health equity
Ten Essential Practices for Transforming Regional Health and Well-being Through Regional Stewardship
By: ReThink Health
Description: Toolkit about what inclusive stewardship is and how stewards can work together to advance equitable health and well-being
A Pathway to Building Health and Well-being Through Regional Stewardship
By: ReThink Health
Description: Describes the journey of stewardship in the context of community collaboration
Advancing Health Equity: Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts
By: American Medical Association
Description: Better language to advance health equity
Promoting Internal Communication
By: Center for Community Health and Development,University of Kansas
Description: How to make sure that your organization runs smoothly and effectively by promoting official and unofficial internal communication
Types of Communication Networks
By: Fundamentals of Management
Description: Describes five types of communication networks that can occur in an organization or community
By: Everyday Democracy
Description: A toolkit for equitable communications in the context of community change
Public Health Reaching Across Sectors
By: deBeaumont Foundation
Description: Tools and strategies for public health to communicate with other sectors
Addressing Health Misinformation
By: Office of the Surgeon General
Description: Curated toolkit with communication strategies from the Office of the Surgeon General
Partnerships with people with lived experience of inequities
Engaging People with Lived Experience: A Toolkit
By: Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Description: Toolkit with detailed strategies for engaging people with lived experience into care and change processes
Partnering with People with Lived Experience toolkit
By: 100 Million Healthier Lives, convened by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Description: From invitation to team integration to the life cycle of partnership and offers tools and resources to engage community residents in change processes
Data and equity
By: PolicyLink
Description: deeply disaggregated, longitudinal data on demographic change, racial and economic inclusion, and the economic benefits of equity for the largest 100 cities, largest 150 regions, all 50 states, and the United States.
By: Georgia Health Policy Center
Description: Tools to understand health and equity impacts of policies and programs across sectors, applied as part of a Health in All Policies Approach
Well Being In the Nation Measures
By: Well Being In the Nation Network
Description: A measurement framework and library developed together with community residents that aligns with improving the health and well-being of people, places, and equity. Offers measures by sector that can be aligned with strategies to address health equity.
Community collaboration
By: Everyday Democracy
Description: Strategies to recruit diverse leaders and community residents into your community coalition
Understanding the Collaboration Continuum
By: Adapted from Himmelman, A by Mashek D.
Description: Describes levels of collaboration and the capacities needed for each level.
By: Center for Community Health and Development,University of Kansas
Description: Database of resources to build thriving community coalitions
10 Dangers of Collective Impact
By: Paul Schmitz, Stanford Social Innovation Review
Description: A succinct guide about what NOT to do in community collaboration
Budgeting and payment
By: Deepa Rajan, Helene Barroy, and Karin Stenberg, World Health Organization
Description: A resource guide for health agencies to build budgets across sectors for health.